Civil Engineers Career Information

Civil Engineers

Civil engineers are the architects of most infrastructure in the U.S. and around the world. Roadways, highways, bridges and the layout of most planned communities are all the work of civil engineers. Civil engineers make sure bridges won’t collapse when a train crosses them or that roadways won’t end up sitting under a lake during a rainy season. Good highway design that helps ease congestion is also the work of civil engineers.


Civil engineers are required to have at least a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, a specialized field of civil engineering or a related field like civil engineering technology. More senior positions generally require advanced degrees. In addition to a degree, civil engineers that provide services to the public, such as designing roadways or other types of public infrastructure must also be certified and licensed.

Unlike some fields, you cannot obtain a civil engineering job through work experience in a related field or through on-the-job training, you must have a degree to obtain a position as a civil engineer. Engineering is, of course, a STEM field, so if you aren’t comfortable with subjects like advanced calculus, physics, geometry or algebra then civil engineering may not be the best career path for you.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median income for civil engineers in 2018 was around $84,000 or about $41 an hour.

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Civil engineering is not as much a growing profession as it is a stable one. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates approximately a 6% growth rate, which is about the national average among all fields and professions. They also estimate there were just over 325,000 civil engineering jobs available in 2018, so there is plenty of work to go around.

Much like doctors or lawyers, there will always be a need for civil engineers. Public infrastructure is constantly wearing down and needing to be replaced along with new buildings and infrastructure needing constant repair and replacement. In addition, the training, tools, and methodologies of civil engineering are the same the world over, so a civil engineer can find work or put their skills to work almost anywhere in the world with little to no additional education required. Although, certification or licensing requirements may be different, which can also vary from state to state even within the U.S.

Current Arthritis Reports

Mechanisms and Models in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Mechanisms and Models in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a bewilderingly complex disease involving the interactions of many, and varied, cell populations and multiple families of low and high molecular mass mediators. We are only slowly beginning to understand the mechanisms that produce the local and systematic pathology clinically recognized as rheumatoid arthritis. Increasingly, use is being made of experimental models of this disease in an effort to test hypotheses about putative pathological mechanisms and to investigate the effect of novel therapeutic agents. A major section of this book covers these experimental models in great detail from their development through to reviews of the most recent information on each model.Mechanisms and Models in Rheumatoid Arthritis brings together a group of eminent researchers from the fields of clinical rheumatology, pathology, experimental pathology, immunology, connective tissue biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology and developmental biology to describe the current views of the cellular and humoral mechanisms that drive the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis and experimental models of rheumatoid arthritis.

Mechanisms and Models in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Arthritis and Related Inflammatory Diseases

Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Arthritis and Related Inflammatory Diseases

Focuses on the role of bioactive foods in mediating the riskof arthritis and other inflammatory tissue diseases.

Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Arthritis and Related Inflammatory Diseases

Current Hypertension Reports

Hypertension and Brain Mechanisms

Hypertension and Brain Mechanisms

Hypertension and Brain Mechanisms

Hypertension and Brain Mechanisms

Molecular Genetics of Hypertension

Molecular Genetics of Hypertension

This is a rapidly expanding research area, with most current publications existing as journal articles, or as single chapters in larger volumes. This will be one of the first books to bring all this information together into a comprehensive review volume, aimed at both researchers and clinicians.Hypertension is a condition in humans which is characterized by persistently high arterial blood pressure (over 140/90 mm Hg). Affected individuals are at risk from heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. This important disease affects a huge number of people worldwide, and therefore the study of the disease is of vital clinical importance. Hypertension is a genetically determined disease, with many other contributing factors. Research has expanded rapidly in this area, particularly over the last decade, and there are continuing advances in our understanding of the disease.

Molecular Genetics of Hypertension

Current Women’s Health Reports

Encyclopedia of Women and Gender, Two-Volume Set

Encyclopedia of Women and Gender, Two-Volume Set

The study of gender differences began in earnest in the 1970s and has since increased dramatically to infiltrate virtually all fields of study in the social and behavioral sciences. Along the way, it was discovered that while women very often think and behave differently than do men, industrialized societies cater to masculine perspectives. The “Psychology of Women” emerged as a field of study focusing on just those areas in which women most often butted against assumed roles. And similarly, in the 1990s, the “Psychology of Men” emerged to focus on the same issues for men.The Encyclopedia of Gender covers all three areas under one cover, discussing psychological differences in personality, cognition, and behavior, as well as biologically based differences and how those differences impact behavior. Coverage includes studies of these differences in applied settings such as education, business, the home, in politics, sports competition, etc.

Encyclopedia of Women and Gender, Two-Volume Set

The Career Psychology of Women

The Career Psychology of Women

Summarizing literature from the twenty-year-old field of women’s career development, this book brings scholars and professionals up-to-date in their understanding of the factors influencing women’s career choices and career adjustment across the life span. It serves as a vital base for theoretical and empirical work in the study of women’s career development.

The Career Psychology of Women

Women and Health, 2nd Edition

Women and Health, 2nd Edition

An unparalleled and valuable compendium of data for anyone interested in women’s health.” — THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE

Women and Health, 2nd Edition

Current Depression Reports

Risk Factors in Depression

Risk Factors in Depression

A complete reference on the many models of risk factors in depression.

Risk Factors in Depression

Risk Factors in Depression

Risk Factors in Depression

A complete reference on the many models of risk factors in depression.

Risk Factors in Depression

The Self in Anxiety, Stress and Depression

The Self in Anxiety, Stress and Depression

The focus of this book is on stressful experiences and emotional reactions. The common perspective is that self-related cognitions play an important role in describing and explaining the subjective experience of stress, anxiety and depression and the impact on academic performance and social interactions. The assumption of self-related cognitions as mediators in the regulation of one’s behavior has a variety of consequences for different fields of applications in psychology.

The Self in Anxiety, Stress and Depression

Men and Depression

Men and Depression

Men and Depression: Clinical and Empirical Perspectives is the only book currently available that integrates psychological theories and the latest research findings with clinical recommendations for working with men who are suffering from depression. This volume covers a wide range of topics and issues that relate to men and depression, including: assessment of male depression; statistics on depression in men; theories to explain depression in men; treating depression in men with both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy; the interrelation of grief, loss, trauma, and depression in men; the problem of suicide and how to assess and treat suicide risk in men; and prospects for future work in this important area.This is a unique reference and practical guide that integrates and evaluates research and clinical practice relating to the diagnosis and treatment of men with depression. The volume explores why men are underdiagnosed and undertreated for mood disorders and provides the clinician with practical guidelines for conceptualizing a treatment plan for men with depression.

Men and Depression

Current Pain & Headache Reports



This volume is part of the Handbook of Clinical Neurology series, the worlds most comprehensive source of information in neurology. Now in its third generation, the series has an unparalleled reputation for providing the latest foundational research, diagnosis, and treatment protocols essential for both basic neuroscience research and clinical neurology.


Pain and Touch

Pain and Touch

An explosion of advances in the area of tactile perception and pain led to the development of this comprehensive, state-of-the-art text on basic research and clinical practice. Equal parts psychology and neuroscience, Pain and Touch covers peripheral cutaneous tactile information processing, sensory mapping, tactile exploratory behavior, neurophysiology of nociception and nociceptors in pain research, clinical scaling methods for psychophysics of pain, and paincontrol, pathology, and therapeutics.

Pain and Touch

Chronic Pain and Brain Abnormalities

Chronic Pain and Brain Abnormalities

The only reference on the market to adequately explore long-term changes in the brain resulting from chronic pain

Chronic Pain and Brain Abnormalities

Placebo and Pain

Placebo and Pain

The definitive reference linking pain and the placebo effect, from basic science to clinical implications

Placebo and Pain

Current Infectious Diseases Report

Global Mapping of Infectious Diseases

Global Mapping of Infectious Diseases

This special volume of Advances in Parasitology gives a comprehensive overview of the practical procedures involved in all aspects of global mapping. Coverage includes new research and new data, along with descriptions of new techniques in global mapping. With chapters written by leading experts in the field, it should be a standard for years to come.With an impact factor of 3.9, the series ranks second in the ISI Parasitology subject category.

Global Mapping of Infectious Diseases

Global Mapping of Infectious Diseases

Global Mapping of Infectious Diseases

First published in 1963, Advances in Parasitology contains comprehensive and up-to-date reviews in all areas of interest in contemporary parasitology. This volume is an outline of global environmental and global population data including scripts for predicting disease distributions and evaluating the accuracy of these mapped products. Several application chapters discuss current research topics appropriately addressed at the global scale. Topics such as tick-borne disease and the mapping of geographic and phylogenetic space; implications of global ecozonation and transportation networks on pathogen flow; and the impacts of climate change on vector-borne diseases are covered in this latest volume.

Global Mapping of Infectious Diseases

Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases

Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases

Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases

Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases

Public Health and Infectious Diseases

Public Health and Infectious Diseases

Comprehensive work bringing together chaptersthat explain reasons for the emergence, protection and treatment, and infectious disease characteristics

Public Health and Infectious Diseases

The Social Ecology of Infectious Diseases

The Social Ecology of Infectious Diseases

Social Ecology of Infectious Diseases explores how human activities enable microbes to disseminate and evolve, thereby creating favorable conditions for the diverse manifestations of communicable diseases. Today, infectious and parasitic diseases cause about one-third of deaths and are the second leading cause of morbidity and mortality. The speed that changes in human behavior can produce epidemics is well illustrated by AIDS, but this is only one of numerous microbial threats whose severity and spread are determined by human behaviors. In this book, forty experts in the fields of infectious diseases, the life sciences and public health explore how demography, geography, migration, travel, environmental change, natural disaster, sexual behavior, drug use, food production and distribution, medical technology, training and preparedness, as well as governance, human conflict and social dislocation influence current and likely future epidemics.

The Social Ecology of Infectious Diseases

Taxonomic Guide to Infectious Diseases

Taxonomic Guide to Infectious Diseases

A concise, comprehensive and affordable guide to the modern classification of the nearly 500 currently characterized infectious human diseases.

Taxonomic Guide to Infectious Diseases

Current Asthma Reports

Asthma, 3rd Edition

Asthma, 3rd Edition

Now available in its Third Edition, Asthma: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Management has become the reference text in asthma. This highly successful text sheds new light on the basic physiological and molecular mechanisms of asthma, how current treatments work, and how best to apply the latest knowledge to control this important disease. The Third Edition has undergone radical revision and includes several new chapters. It retains the virtues of the previous volumes by bringing together all of the recent research findings by internationally recognized experts on the causative mechanisms of asthma, including in-depth clinical aspects and therapy. The book presents an integrated approach toward the treatment of this disease with new concepts, changes in asthma management, and the development of new therapeutic agents. Asthma provides extensive references for researchers and clinicians who need to keep abreast of recent developments in this rapidly expanding field.

Asthma, 3rd Edition

Asthma and COPD

Asthma and COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which encompasses both chronic bronchitis and emphysema, is one of the most common respiratory conditions of adults in the developed world. Asthma and COPD: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Management provides a unique, authoritative comparison of asthma and COPD. Written and edited by the world’s leading experts, it is a comprehensive review of the most recent understanding of the basic mechanisms of both conditions, specifically comparing their etiology, pathogenesis, and treatments.

Asthma and COPD

Asthma and COPD, 2nd Edition

Asthma and COPD, 2nd Edition

Offers a truly translational presentation of airway diseases “ from bench to bedside “ illuminating the mechanisms, etiology, and pathogenesis of respiratory disease and then translating how these mechanisms affect patient conditions, treatment options, and effective therapies.

Asthma and COPD, 2nd Edition

Asthma and Allergic Diseases

Asthma and Allergic Diseases

This book updates the previous coverage of the mechanisms and mediators of asthma and its treatment. It presents articles by the foremost names in the field.

Asthma and Allergic Diseases

T-Lymphocyte and Inflammatory Cell Research in Asthma

T-Lymphocyte and Inflammatory Cell Research in Asthma

It is well established that asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airway mucosa and drugs like inhaled glucocorticoids are now commonly introduced early in therapy. A characteristic feature of this disease is the vast number of eosinophils in airway tissue, although many other migratory and resident inflammatory cells with the capacity to synthesize and release cytokines and putative asthma mediators are present in the inflamed mucosa. The cross-talk between lymphocytes and these cells and the role of cytokines in complex biological networks are currently areas of intense research.This volume gathers together chapters and discussions on the biology of immunocompetent and inflammatory cells, cellular interplay and communication, and on the relative importance of cells and mediators in disease.It should help contribute to further insights into the pathology of asthma and to the development of novel efficacious drugs for the treatment of asthma and related respiratory disorders.

T-Lymphocyte and Inflammatory Cell Research in Asthma

Current Cardiology Reports

Post-Genomic Cardiology Post-Genomic Cardiology

Recent advances in molecular and cellular biology have markedly changed our understanding of the heart, and this is having tremendous ramifications for the clinician. This unique reference offers a comprehensive and critical evaluation of this contribution in the field of cardiovascular molecular medicine providing the reader with a sense of new directions in which molecular medicine might be applied. It begins with a detailed primer that makes readily accessible recent molecular, genetic and cellular techniques. Rounding out the coverage of this exciting field are critical and comprenhesive discussions on the use of molecular, genetic and cellular techniques used to identify the etiology and pathophysiology of specific cardiac diseases.

Post-Genomic Cardiology

Post-Genomic Cardiology, 2nd Edition

Post-Genomic Cardiology, 2nd Edition

A comprehensive and critical evaluation of the multiple roles that molecular medicine plays in cardiology, aiding researchers and physicians addressing the genetic etiology and therapy of CVD

Post-Genomic Cardiology, 2nd Edition

New England Journal of Medicine


The New England Journal of Medicine ( is dedicated to bringing physicians the best research and key information at the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice, and to presenting the information in an understandable and clinically useful format. A career companion for physicians, NEJM keeps practicing physicians informed on developments that are important to their patients and keeps them connected to both clinical science and the values of being a good physician.

NEJM employs a highly rigorous peer-review and editing process to evaluate manuscripts for scientific accuracy, novelty, and importance. The editors have set policies to ensure that authors disclose all relevant financial associations and that those financial associations do not influence published content. These factors contribute to NEJM’s reputation as the “gold standard” for quality biomedical research and for the best practices in clinical medicine.

NEJM is the most widely read, cited, and influential general medical periodical in the world. As it evolves to meet the changing needs of its readers in the 21st century, it is committed to maintaining that reputation and integrity, while using innovative formats and technologies for new features and faster delivery and access.


The New England Journal of Medicine is the oldest continuously published medical periodical, completing its second century of service to the medical community in 2012.

In 1811, John Collins Warren, a Boston physician and scholar, collaborated with his colleague, James Jackson, to establish the first medical journal in New England. The first quarterly edition of the New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery and the Collateral Branches of Medical Science was published in Boston in January 1812. Sixteen years later, after merging with the Boston Medical Intelligencer, it became the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, and weekly publication began. The Massachusetts Medical Society purchased it in 1921 for $1. In 1928, it was renamed the New England Journal of Medicine.

NEJM has published reports from the frontiers of medical science and practice since its early days. NEJM documented the first public demonstration of ether anesthesia in 1846, the first full description of a spinal-disk rupture in 1934, and the first successes in the treatment of early childhood leukemia in 1948. More recent articles include some of the earliest descriptions of AIDS and then of its treatment, of aspirin and cholesterol-lowering agents in the prevention of heart disease, and of new molecular advances in the treatment of chronic leukemia and lung cancer.


NEJM’s influence has grown to an international scale. More than 600,000 people in 177 countries read it each week. More than half of the research reports submitted to NEJM originate from outside the U.S. NEJM is cited more often in scientific literature than any other medical journal, and in 1978, became the only American medical journal ever to receive the Polk Award for journalistic merit. Free online access is available in more than 100 low-income countries, and full text of research articles is free to all six months after publication. was created in 1996, and now more people see NEJM articles online than in print.

NEJM launched a new website along with the full NEJM Archive in 2010. The new website gives users a deeper, broader, and more engaging experience through enhanced search and navigation, specialty pages, interactive elements, and a number of integrated multimedia features. Through the NEJM Archive, every article published in NEJM since 1812 — a rich history of modern medicine — is available and completely searchable online.

In 2012, NEJM Group was formed, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) that produces the New England Journal of Medicine and Journal Watch.
