What are the Causes of Eye Pain
Eye pain may be minor or it may be an indicator of a serious condition. It can be either sudden in onset or can be a long term problem. Most eye pain usually resolves itself in a short time, but there are times when medical action is necessary.
Eye pain can occur on the surface of the eye, or it may occur within the eye itself. Surface eye pain is referred to as ocular. Knowing where the eye pain is directed you to both causes and necessary treatments. Most eye pain subsides on its own, but sometimes it can be an emergency.
Eye pain on the surface of the eye is often caused by an infection or an injury or trauma to the eye. Usual treatment might be eye drops or rest. Sometimes rest can involve avoiding bright lights, using dark-colored glasses, wearing an eye patch over the injured eye, or sleeping extra.
The causes of the ocular eye pain are things like foreign objects such as windblown particles, or infections like conjunctivitis, or trauma like sports injuries. These respond well to rest and eye drops. Heat packs or cold packs are also helpful. You may treat them yourself but should first check with your doctor. You may have a sty or a cyst on your eyelid, and you need to have a doctor attend to these things.
Doctors refer to pain within the eye as orbital eye pain. The causes of these eye pains are more serious. A puncture wound to the eye needs immediate attention. Other causes also need medical help but are not emergencies.
Glaucoma causes eye pain. It has to do with increasing pressure within the eye. It needs to be treated by a professional who will prescribe treatments like an assortment of eye drops or other therapies. Other common causes of orbital eye pain are sinusitis, which causes the sinuses to put pressure on the eyes, and migraine headaches. These are treated with medication.
There are a variety of causes of eye pain. Some of them are emergency situations. See a doctor if you have a sudden loss of vision for any reason. It can be a serious condition like a detached retina. Get medical treatment for chemical burns or heat burns to the eye area or for puncture injuries.
There are many causes of eye pain and your eye health can indicate your overall well being. Use good precautions to prevent eye pain and vision loss.
Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses. Use goggles when working around chemicals and in situations where particles can fly into your eyes. Replace old contact lenses as your optometrist suggests. Always make sure your hands are clean when they are near your eyes. Be aware of vision changes and get regular checkups.
Eye pain can be serious, or not. If you have any doubts about your eyes, call the doctor. For more information on pain-related topics visit pain.help today. Your vision is a precious asset that you want to maintain for life.