Jeffrey Loria’s Reign is Coming to an End
Since 1999, Jeffrey Loria has tainted baseball through his gluttonous greed; he’s destroyed baseball for one city and conned another out of billions of dollars. He tore apart a championship baseball team and micromanaged countless more while simultaneously behaving like an absolute self-centered mogul. He could only be described as a blowhard who provided no substance, and those furious with his actions only took solace in one thing; eventually, the MLB would get rid of him.
Mercy wasn’t the only domain of the Ninth Circuit yesterday. Early Thursday, a concoction of mixed feelings of joy and anger circumferenced the Forbes report which was about Lorio’s agreement to sell the Miami Marlins to an unnamed buyer for 1.6 billion dollars. Fans were met with joy because Lorio was destroying his franchise and was now relieving the team from his deceitful grip. Fury accompanied because one of the worst, if not the worst, owners in sports history was turning a $158 million purchase into a sale worth 10x the original price, which invokes worry that other owners with resembling consciences may attempt to replicate.
However, the frustration expressed due to the scummy and filthy rich man getting, even more, money was nothing compared to the feeling of freedom the Marlins players felt after learning the warlord was finally being expelled. Marlin players and franchise executives spread the news each other like wildfire and were ecstatic. While believing the deal will be successful is presumptuous, there are even more barriers to come says an inside source. Loria wishes to soak up any more potential revenue he can, and that means he may potentially be involved until at least the All-Star Game at Marlins Stadium in July so the date of the sale is unknown currently, but that’s not stopping players, executives, and fans alike to celebrate the end of one of the most oppressive ownerships that tainted baseball for almost two decades.