Should I Contact a Business Attorney if I’m Starting a New Company?
One worry of small business owners, whether they are starting or already running a small business, revolves around their call for a business attorney.
Many entrepreneurs do not have much in support of extra capital and usually hire a business attorney when confronted with serious legal problems. Business attorneys have a working knowledge of many issues, from employment law to copyright and trademark infringement to tax law.
While most of these matters can be handled by any business owner, there are times when a business faces issues that are too difficult or time-consuming, and at this time a business attorney is an intelligent move.
Some examples of when a business attorney would be practical include a time when prospective, former or current employees are suing because of discrimination in hiring, firing or hostile work environment. Other examples include investigating the business for violation of any laws or environmental problems.
California business attorneys also assist companies in negotiations, arbitration, business formation, business litigation and disputes, fundraising and mergers and acquisitions.
Also, the attorneys can lend a hand in business planning and startup counseling. For example, our business attorney in San Deigo can rally round the liability with being a director or officer of a company. Furthermore, legal issues and the law involve matters of state and local law when people think about California state laws.
For example, the Governor’s Office of Business Development and Economic Development says many state agencies develop regulations that impact small businesses in California. Included among the agencies are the Board of Equalization, California Environmental Agency, Department of General Services, Franchise Tax Board and Bureau of Automotive Repair, among others.
California laws are shaped by statutes and the courts while some laws are determined by the voters. The services of a business attorney, with all the diverse services they provide, can be critical to a business, small businesses, in particular.