Should I Contact a Business Attorney if I’m Starting a New Company?

One worry of small business owners, whether they are starting or already running a small business, revolves around their call for a business attorney.

Many entrepreneurs do not have much in support of extra capital and usually hire a business attorney when confronted with serious legal problems. Business attorneys have a working knowledge of many issues, from employment law to copyright and trademark infringement to tax law.

While most of these matters can be handled by any business owner, there are times when a business faces issues that are too difficult or time-consuming, and at this time a business attorney is an intelligent move.

Some examples of when a business attorney would be practical include a time when prospective, former or current employees are suing because of discrimination in hiring, firing or hostile work environment. Other examples include investigating the business for violation of any laws or environmental problems.

California business attorneys also assist companies in negotiations, arbitration, business formation, business litigation and disputes, fundraising and mergers and acquisitions.

Also, the attorneys can lend a hand in business planning and startup counseling. For example, our business attorney in San Deigo can rally round the liability with being a director or officer of a company. Furthermore, legal issues and the law involve matters of state and local law when people think about California state laws.

For example, the Governor’s Office of Business Development and Economic Development says many state agencies develop regulations that impact small businesses in California. Included among the agencies are the Board of Equalization, California Environmental Agency, Department of General Services, Franchise Tax Board and Bureau of Automotive Repair, among others.

California laws are shaped by statutes and the courts while some laws are determined by the voters. The services of a business attorney, with all the diverse services they provide, can be critical to a business, small businesses, in particular.

Two Separate Car Accidents Leave Two Dead In Victorville

California Highway Patrol responded to multiple car accidents on Interstate 15 near Victorville that occurred around 12:00 p.m. Monday afternoon.  The first accident took place along the northbound lane on top of the Cajon Pass.  A Chevrolet Suburban was towing a utility trailer when it veered across lanes and collided with the center divider.  The suburban proceeded to catch fire where authorities extinguished the flames shortly after the collision transpired.  Highway Patrol reported that the accident had caused a massive traffic jam that was backed up as far as Devore. Unfortunately, California Highway Patrol stated the one individual was pronounced dead at the scene of that crash.

A second accident followed a few hours after Highway Patrol had responded to the northbound crash.  The crash occurred on the southbound lanes of I-15 just south of the highway 395 junction.  CHP officer Sgt. Christopher Dalin stated that as traffic was coming to a stop, a motorcyclist was traveling behind a Honda Pilot but failed to stop in time.  The rider laid his bike down but was unable to avoid colliding into the back of the Honda Pilot.  Sadly, he was killed on impact.  The CHP stated that the accident cause traffic congestion up to Bear Valley Road in Victorville, they also had to close off the far left lane so that they could conduct a thorough investigation.

It is a tragedy that the two individuals involved in the accident lost their lives that day.  Many people forget that an accident does not just affect the ones that were in the car, families and friends have to endure the loss of that loved one as well.  If you are ever involved in a motor-vehicle accident in Victorville, its imperative that you contact the attorneys at Guldijian Law.  Our California personal injury attorneys can ensure that you and your loved one’s rights are protected so that you can make a swift recovery from a car accident.

Guldjian Law represents clients in that following cities in San Bernardino County:



Will I lose my license if arrested for DUI in Washington?

Yes, if you are arrested in Washington State for DUI (driving under the influence) your license can be suspended for 90 days to 2 years.  You have to act fast if you want to fight losing your license.  Washington DUI laws require that you request a hearing to contest your license suspension within 20 days!

If you do not request a hearing or you are not successful in your hearing, then your Washington drivers license will be suspended for 90 days to 2 years depending on prior offenses and the specific details of your case.  The suspension will begin 60 days from the date of your DUI arrest.

If your hearing is successful, but you are later convicted of DUI, your license will be suspended as part of the DUI conviction penalties.

Penalties for 1st DUI conviction in Washington State

  • 24 hours to 1 year in Jail.
  • Fine from $865 to $5000
  • Mandatory alcohol assessment and treatment with ignition interlock device.

Being convicted of DUI in Washington can have life changing consequences, so it is important that you take a DUI arrest seriously.  You should contact an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible after your DUI arrest.  Having an experienced Washington criminal defense attorney representing you can greatly increase your chance of having charges reduced or even dismissed.

Chesterfield Police Taser Causes Man To Catch Fire

Chesterfield Police stopped a man driving a 2012 Volkswagen on suspicion of drinking and driving Saturday evening.  The driver then sped off as the officer started to approach his car.  The officer and the driver were traveling southbound on Jefferson Davis Highway when the driver lost control near the intersection of Jefferson Davis and Chester Road.  The man was trapped in his Volkswagen after it had rolled over several times near a bridge.

Firefighter and police were able to free the man from the wreckage but as soon as he was free he started to fight with arresting officers.  An officer then tasered the man to control the situation before someone was injured when suddenly the man’s clothes caught fire.  The clothing must have been covered in fuel or oil that originated from the accident.  The driver was quickly put out by the firefighters and rushed to VCU Medical Center.  The identity of the driver has not yet been released.

DUI accidents not only cause physical damage, but emotional and financial turmoil as well.  It’s important to understand that just because you have been involved in a DUI accident in Chesterfield doesn’t mean your life will end.  A experienced DUI attorney in Chesterfield can protect your rights and ensure that your DUI accident is the hands of professionals.

Winter Weather Means More Accidents

If you live in the Pacific Northwest then you know how treacherous the roadways become when the Winter “ICE” arrives.  Unlike other area that may receive heavy snowfall, the Portland and Vancouver areas typically get covered in ICE!  It is much easier to drive on snow covered roads than it is on ice covered roads.  Unfortunately, in some circumstances drivers don’t even know there is ice on the road until it is too late.  Black ice is what it is called in the area, when ice forms on the blacktop roadways.  If you hit a patch of road that is covered in “black ice” you typically loose all control of your vehicle as it begins to slide, just like skating in your car on an ice rink, except you have more control with skates.

During the Winter months in Portland and Vancouver there are a lot of accidents because of the icy roads and “black ice”.  Even those driving as carefully as they can wind up in accidents which can cause serious damage to their vehicles and possible physical injuries.  It is important to remember that if you are involved in an accident that you ensure everyone is safe and document the circumstances of the accident as best you can.  If there are injuries you should contact the police and medical personnel.

If injuries or death result because of an accident you should contact a local Portland car accident lawyer or Vancouver personal injury lawyer to ensure you understand your legal options.  Most personal injury lawyers provide free initial consultations where you can discuss the circumstances of your accident with an experienced attorney and they can advise you of your legal options.  Not all accidents will require filing an accident lawsuit, but a good personal injury attorney will be able to let you know if you may be entitled to compensation for injuries and damages suffered.


Getting Help After a California Car Accident

If you or someone you know has ever been in a serious car accident you already know how traumatic they can be.  Not only can you face life long injuries that can put a huge financial strain on you and your family, but there can be emotional scars that can last just as long as the physical scars.

Many people believe that if they have good car insurance that they will be taken care of.  Unfortunately, this is not always the case.  Insurance companies are businesses that must make a profit to continue operating.  When you or a family member are injured, you do not want any cost spared to take care of them in the short and long term.  However, as a business, insurance companies need to cut costs and this can sometimes lead to offering settlements to victims that are far less than what they are entitled to.  In some cases insurance companies will figure out ways to deny liability for an accident in an effort to completely limit their costs.

Medical bills for serious injuries can quickly grow to astronomical amounts.  On going medical costs can quickly exhaust even the best medical insurance coverage.  The stress from mounting medical bills, physical and emotional injuries can have a terrible toll on any person and its important to have some type of help to get through these difficult times.

Personal injury laws and attorneys that specialize in helping victims of accidents can provide the help you need to get through the emotional and financial roller coaster that will occur after a serious accident.  Personal injury laws are designed to help protect individuals that have suffered injuries in an accident caused by another parties negligence.  Whether the other party was a drunk driver, inattentive driver, or a company that produced defective parts or products.  Personal injury attorneys understand the laws and what is required to establish a successful accident claim that will help their clients receive the compensation they are entitled to according to current injury laws.

Below are some legal resources that you can review if you have been injured in an accident or are just looking for more information:


San Diego Motorcycle Accident Results in Death

Tragic accidents like this occur more frequently than we would like to believe.  No one anticipates being involve in a motorcycle or any other type of accident, but they do occur.  Many lives can be affected after an accident, not just the individuals involved.  When you or a loved one are impacted by an accident it is important to contact a local personal injury attorney that specializes in helping individuals who have been injured in an accident.

There are many ways to find a local personal injury attorney.  The quickest is to perform a search in one of the major search engines for your specific need.  For example, doing a search for “Chula Vista motorcycle accident lawyer“, “motorcycle accident lawyer in San Diego” or “San Diego accident attorney” should return web sites of local attorneys (we’ve linked to a local law firm in the examples).

You can also visit one of the many online attorney directories.  Below are some online directories where you can find local lawyers.



Tennessee Legal Help

Are you thinking of starting a business?  Looking to purchase real estate?  Injured in an accident?  These are just a few examples of times when having the help of an experienced attorney can be highly advantageous.

Now, you can find almost any information you need by doing a search on one of the major search engines.  You can find sites that provide legal definitions, legal forms, specific laws and even locate a local lawyer that specializes in your specific need.

In this article we wanted to provide some resources for those that live in Tennessee.  Below are links to helpful legal resources that should give you a good start on finding the information you are looking for.

Bar Associations

Legal Web Sites & Resources

Lawyer Directories

Current Tennessee Continuing Legal Education For Attorneys

Like other states, Tennessee has a continuing education requirement for licensed attorneys.  Below is the actual wording from the law:

Section 3. Continuing Legal Education Requirement.

3.01.  Each attorney admitted to practice law in the State of Tennessee shall attend, or complete an approved substitute for attendance, a minimum of twelve (12) actual hours of approved continuing legal education each calendar year, beginning January 1, 1987. In addition, beginning January 1, 1993, attorneys shall complete three (3) additional hours per year of approved continuing education in courses dealing with ethics and professionalism (“EP credits”). All hours of continuing legal education for each calendar year shall be earned by December 31 of that calendar year.

3.02.  Attorneys who have a permanent physical disability which makes attendance of CLE programs inordinately difficult may file a request for a substitute program in lieu of attendance and shall therein set out continuing legal education plans tailored to their specific interests and physical abilities. The Commission shall review and approve or disapprove such plans on an individual basis. Denial of any requested substitute for attendance will be accompanied by reasons for the denial of the application and suggestions how the attorney might improve his or her application for an approved substitute for attendance.

3.03.  Each attorney must actually attend fifteen (15) instructional hours of CLE per year. An instructional hour shall be determined by the Commission.

Complete Law:

If you require the services of a Tennessee attorney for any of the reasons mentioned below, be sure to check the Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility to ensure they have an active law license and they are current on any required continuing education requirements:


Virginia DUI Arrests Report

According to the Virginia state government website there were 27,732 people arrested for DUI within Virginia during 2012.  A DUI conviction in any state can be damaging to your career and have other serious effects on your life, not to mention the lives of others.

The Virginia police use many means in order to arrest drivers suspected of drinking and driving.  DUI checkpoints are one way that police departments utilize to identify suspected drunk drivers.  Because of the serious impacts drinking and driving can have on individuals within a community, more and more emphasis is being placed on finding and arresting suspected DUI drivers.  Once you are pulled over for suspicion of drinking and driving you will most likely be given field sobriety tests to help the police officer determine if you are over the legal limit for “blood alcohol content.

If you are arrested for DUI within Virginia you will most likely require the services of an experienced DUI attorney to help represent you in criminal court.  An experienced DUI attorney will be able to research your DUI arrest and determine if your legal rights were violated in any way.  The Commonwealth of Virginia will need to prove their case against you within court, so having the representation of an experienced DUI DWI attorney can mean the difference between a DUI conviction or not.

Richmond DUI attorneys Paula Bernstein Hough and Gregory Hough have been successfully representing clients arrested in the Richmond, Virginia area.  Both are licensed to practice law within the Commonwealth of Virginia and represent DUI clients within Henrico County, Chesterfield County, Hanover County and Richmond.  Visit their websites for more information: or

Another experienced Virginia DUI lawyer is David Long.  David has been licensed to practice law in Virginia since 2003 and has successfully represented numerous clients who have been charged with a criminal offense, including DUI DWI. David represents clients who have been charged with DUI DWI in Richmond, Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Dinwiddie County, Goochland County, Powhatan County, Prince George County or Henrico County.  Visit their websites for more information :,,

Attorney Thomas Chaffe is an experienced Virginia criminal lawyer that has successfully represented clients arrested for DUI DWI throughout Virginia.  Chaffe & Chaffe P.C. represents clients arrested for DUI in Richmond, Chesterfield County, Dinwiddie County, Hanover County, and Henrico County, Virginia.  Visit their websites for more information: Chaffe & Chaffe P.C.,

Here is some more information regarding drinking and driving within the Commonwealth of Virginia:

  • Blood alcohol content (BAC) is the amount of alcohol in a person’s body as measured by the weight of the alcohol in a certain volume of blood. Alcohol is absorbed directly through the walls of the stomach and the small intestine. It goes into the bloodstream, and travels throughout the body and to the brain. Alcohol is quickly absorbed and can be measured within 30 to 70 minutes after a person has had a drink.
  • A BAC as low as .03 percent adversely affects driving ability. As little as one drink on an empty stomach can impair your ability to drive safely.
  • A driver with a BAC of 0.15 is over 300 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash.

To find Virginia DUI lawyers in your area you can search online using one of the many attorney directories.  Here are a few of the larger attorney directories: